12,000 attendees were present at the XXXII Aapresid annual Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina

The Aapresid Congress is recognized worldwide as a true network for exchange and knowledge of advanced technologies linked to the sustainable production of food, fiber and energy. Each edition brings together leading national and international experts, and is a key point for updating, debating and exhibition of technological advances and innovation. 

Under the motto “Everything is connected”,  this XXXII edition was held for the first time in the city of Buenos Aires, from August 7 to 9 2024. The event was organized around four axes: productive-environmental, economic, social and technological. 

An event connected to the world

In addition to the traditional technical focus that the Aapresid Congress has, the event was an opportunity to continue strengthening strategic alliances with institutions such as CONICET, INTA, IICA-the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture-, CAAPAS-the Confederation of American Associations for Agriculture . Sustainable-, the different companies, national and provincial governments and other organizations linked to the sector. 

The alliance with IICA entailed a special section "The agri-food systems of the Americas: future perspectives and opportunities for the producer”, and it was attended by Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, and panelists such as Rattan Lal, 2020 World Food Prize winner, co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and the highest authority in soil sciences, who addressed the importance of the resource as a solution to the climate and food challenges. 

The section had also in its ranks Izabella Teixeira, IICA Special Advisor for the G20 and COPs 29 and 30 and former Minister of the Environment of Brazil, and Kip Tom, agricultural producer and former United States ambassador to the UN. 

Another alliance to nourish this event with the best content was with CULTIVAR, a regional initiative promoted by the Agtech ecosystem of Saint Louis (USA) of which AAPRESID is a part along with 50 other institutions, with the objective of Integrating the ecosystems of Latam agri-food innovation.

At local level, there was also the presence of leading specialists from entities such as INTA, CONICET and Universities from all over the country, producers and entrepreneurs who will address the latest trends in productive management in connection with the topics: Regenerative Agriculture, AgTech, Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, Communication and education, Crop management, Water management, Machinery, Public policies, Quo Vadis, Soil health and Climate Change, and Integrated Systems.

Congress in numbers

12,000 visitors participated in the XXXII edition of the Aapresid Congress, including producers, businessmen, technicians, references, students and professionals linked to the sector. 

There were 6 auditoriums and 3 conference rooms where 450 speakers gave 160 talks. In addition, the commercial hall had more than 150 exhibitors, many of which were there with special launches and promotions. 

Among them were banks, input, product and service companies, organizations and entities, highlighting the incorporations of companies related to livestock farming, such as Datamars and Marfrig, and the Argentine Bovine Genetics Forum. In addition, another of the attractions of the Congress was the VW test-drive track and Truck Show.

Learn more

A SPECIAL edition of the AAPRESID TECHNICAL MAGAZINE with a review of the 18° top panels will be published in October.


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