I am Soil - A poem by #Youth4Soil’s Eliseus Bamporineza

Yes, I am soil,
I live beneath your feet,
Feeding seeds that will keep you fit.
I am the womb that births your worth
After you have impregnated me with your toil.
I am the depth from which every growth springs forth.

I am the nitrogen that nourishes the roots of fruits you enjoy.
I am the worm that wriggles, giving the dead life again.
I am the water that carries nutrients you find in your food.
I am the bacteria that make your crops rise for good.
I am a rock that anchors your sustenance, not a toy to annoy.
I am a book that carries the tales of your existence, a treasure not to stain.

See, I am not a dumping site to litter and spoil.
Just like you, I need to be covered against floods and storms.
I need to be healed and cared for your land to bloom.
Don’t let your greed overexploit or burn me for you’d waste your toil.
Just as a mother needs to eat to feed the baby,
I too must be fed to feed you or else your life finds its doom.
Let protecting me become your hobby.


About Eliseus

Eliseus Bamporineza, East African Community Youth fellow, writer, and staunch advocate for youth empowerment, is a dedicated and visionary leader committed to driving positive change in the fields of education, climate resilience, agribusiness and diplomacy across Africa. Through different initiatives, such as Feed2Care where he advocates for quality food for all, and #Youth4Soil where he gives voice to life under our feet, he is committed to raising concerns about soil health threats and the need for its protection.

He is one of the beneficiaries of the African Leadership Academy-MasterCard Foundation scholarship, awarded for his outstanding academic and leadership potential. Eliseus graduated with honours from the United States International University Africa based in Nairobi Kenya, where he earned a degree in International Relations and Integrated Studies in April 2023.

Eliseus also earned a certificate in Entrepreneurship and Design - Thinking, after completing a rigorous six-month training with Aspire Leaders, founded at Harvard, as part of the 2022 cohort for first-generation university students.

His academic journey also includes an enriching exchange program at the University of Rochester, where he deepened his understanding of global issues through relevant courses such as Climate Diplomacy and Project Pitching.

Professionally, Eliseus has gained valuable experience through various internships and fellowships across Africa, including his work with the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), where he focused on youth and gender inclusiveness in advocacy and partnerships, and represented the youth team in the CAYACC for their proposal write-shop with MasterCard Foundation and at major events, including the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit, Africa Development Bank Annual Meetings, and the Second Regenerative Agriculture conference. His commitment to climate action is further reflected in his roles at the African Leadership Academy and his participation in the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens' Youth AgriChampions cohort, a program that enabled him alongside other innovative young minds from the grassroots world of smallholder agriculture to interact and express wishes for solutions and support about the challenges faced in the agricultural adaptation to climate change on the continent.

Eliseus' contributions have been recognized through numerous awards and honours. His accolades include winning the Policy Creation Challenge at the African Leadership Academy in July 2024 and being recognized for his essay on promoting youth equitable outcomes in the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) through increased land access by the Youth for Tax Justice Network in September 2023. Eliseus’ Essay contributions advocating for the empowerment of Africa-based learning institutions have also been acknowledged by the Africa-Europe Foundation ahead of the African Union – European Union Summit in 2022, reflecting his impactful voice in policy advocacy and youth empowerment.

Eliseus has participated and reported on the 2024 regional and continental Post-Malabo farmers’ consultations organized by the Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO) in concert with their partners namely AGRA, CARE, PolicyLink, and Akademiya 2063.

He recognizes the opportunities presented by existing policies, such as the Africa Agribusiness Youth Strategy, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2063, and the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) at the continental level, as well as National African Union Member State policies like National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Agriculture Investment Plans (NAIPs). These frameworks provide a platform for youth engagement and participation in their implementation.

He has participated in the FXB Climate Advocates Program, and he is a Green Fellow at Green Institute.

Eliseus continues to advocate for increased youth access to land, as evidenced by his recent article on the SDG2 Advocacy Hub titled "Empowering Africa's Youth: Land Allocation for Equitable AfCFTA Outcomes." In this article, he highlights the crucial role of land access in empowering Africa's youth, fostering equitable economic opportunities, and ensuring sustainable development across the continent. Eliseus emphasizes the need for inclusive policies that prioritize youth in land distribution and ownership, advocating for a future where young Africans can actively participate in and benefit from agricultural trade and economic growth under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). His ongoing efforts aim to ensure that Africa's youth are not left behind in the pursuit of equitable and sustainable development.

Get in touch:

Twitter (X): @ZeusthePoet1



This poem was also posted by Generation Africa!


CA4SH at AFS Forum 2024: The future of food systems lies beneath our feet


12,000 attendees were present at the XXXII Aapresid annual Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina