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Soil: A Foundation for Life, Culture, And Sustainability
During a recent webinar FROM DUST TO PROSPERITY: The ROLE of Soil in Shaping Africa’s Future co-hosted by the coalition of Action 4 Soil Health and the Allure of Soil Campaign, experts from around the world shared their perspectives on soil’s significance, its degradation, and the urgent need for action to restore and preserve it.
#COPSoil in Action: CA4SH drove the needle forward for soil health at UNFCCC COP29
11-22 NOVEMBER 2024: The UN Climate Convention COP29 was held in Baku, Azerbaijan, themed In Solidarity for a Green World. The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) is a motivated, multi-stakeholder coalition working to strengthen, facilitate and accelerate the adoption and scaling of soil health restoration practices. Soil health drives productivity and economic growth, rural livelihoods, biodiversity protection, and mitigation and adaptation to the climate crisis.
At COP29, CA4SH convened members, partners, and other stakeholders to underscore the critical importance of including soil in the climate proceedings. CA4SH held and participated in several sessions that teased apart the intricacies of scaling global soil health on the ground through finance, policy, support for farmers and land managers, and more. Keeping soil health on the climate agenda is an overarching objective of CA4SH, and at COP29, the power of multistakeholder voices was heard. Read on for an overview of our engagement!
12,000 attendees were present at the XXXII Aapresid annual Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina
More than 12 thousand attendees, 450 speakers in 160 talks and more than 150 exhibitors in the lastest edition of the event organized by the Argentine No-till Farmers Association, held for the first time in the City of Buenos Aires.
IICA and Partners from the Private Sector, Academia and Civil Society Organizations Join Forces to Promote Carbon Financing for Sustainable Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean
“San José, 13 December 2023 (IICA) The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative (VCMI), the Argentine Association of No-till Farmers (AAPRESID), the Group of Producing Countries from the Southern Cone (GPS), the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University (MSU), Gold Standard, Rabobank's ACORN and Climate Focus will join forces in 2024 to support the access of the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean to financing of voluntary and compliance carbon markets.”
Read the full story from IICA
VIDEO I am Soil
Watch the video from the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.