Amplifying Soil Health in the Climate Conversation

Amplifying Soil Health in the Climate Conversation

Join us for an exploration of groundbreaking innovations in climate-smart agriculture that are shaping the future of our food systems. Hosted by Biome Makers, a global AgTech leader committed to soil health and sustainable farming, this virtual event will showcase how team science and data-driven technologies are revolutionizing the way we approach agriculture and soil health management.

Hosted by: Biome Makers

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Multi-stakeholder partnerships to favour the development of sustainable production models.

Multi-stakeholder partnerships to favour the development of sustainable production models.

This event, supported by the Confederation of Associations for Sustainable Agriculture - CAAPAS, composed of farmers’ associations from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Mexico and currently under the Argentinian presidency, will address the sustainable production systems mostly adopted in the region which have shown its effectiveness in generating sustainable solutions based on science, with a lower environmental impact and economic benefits for farmers. In this sense, this panel will present different projects and solutions developed in real production scenarios and led by farmers, along with science, AG companies, and institutions; as well as the strategic role played by IGOs and the public sector to scale these initiatives at a regional level and enhance a model of agriculture ally in the fight against climate change.

Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas Pavilion Pavilion

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Scaling carbon removals in agricultural soils

Scaling carbon removals in agricultural soils

Soils have significant potential to sequester carbon by transitioning from conventional farming to regenerative agriculture practices - but there are barriers which need to be overcome to accelerate the shift. Experts discuss what’s actually happening on the field, the state of the science, innovative technology, financial solutions and instruments to finance and scale carbon removals.

Hosted by: Agreena at the Danish Pavilion

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Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate (Second session)

Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate (Second session)

Soil4Climate announced that cofounder Seth Itzkan will be speaking on the positive role for grazing that is regenerative at two recently added sessions in the Blue Zone at the United Nations climate conference, COP28, in Dubai. These sessions are titled Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate. They will be December 9 and 10, 3pm to 4pm, GST.

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Natural carbon sequestration (NCS): Leveraging soils for mitigation, storage & biodiversity benefits

Natural carbon sequestration (NCS): Leveraging soils for mitigation, storage & biodiversity benefits

Natural Carbon Sequestration (NCS) is ready for mass deployment and provides key adaptation advantages that technological approaches do not. We will explore the use of soils in achieving net zero by enhancing knowledge of storage potential, biodiversity benefits, and policy options to scale practices.

Hosted by: the British Society of Soil Science

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Enabling Technologies: Measuring Soil Carbon

Enabling Technologies: Measuring Soil Carbon

Measuring and validating farmland health is not an easy process for many farmers. When investors and carbon credit buyers expect professional verifications, this process can be costly and time consuming. Improvements in remote sensing technology may be able to empower farmers' agency - but how long before the technology is trustable by investors? This session will dive into this conversation and explore the roles governments and investors have to play.

Save Soil Pavilion

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Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate

Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate

Soil4Climate announced that cofounder Seth Itzkan will be speaking on the positive role for grazing that is regenerative at two recently added sessions in the Blue Zone at the United Nations climate conference, COP28, in Dubai. These sessions are titled Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate. They will be December 9 and 10, 3pm to 4pm, GST.

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Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health

Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health

Of all the land that is farmed in the world, only 30% of it is used to produce plant-based food for human beings. The remaining 70% is used to produce animal-based food. Whilst animals play a vital role in helping build soil health, a conscious approach is the need of the hour. This event will discuss animal rearing’s impact on soil health, and its place as a part of the climate solution.

Save Soil Pavilion

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Climate Proofing Our Future - the Role of Soil

Climate Proofing Our Future - the Role of Soil

From carbon sequestration, food security, preserving biodiversity, purifying air, waterways, and terrestrial systems - rejuvenating soil health is key to our survival. Join us for a unique session that explores the various benefits humanity can derive from sustainable soil management practices, and how soil health contributes to our entire society. A key question - who should pay farmers for the additional services these methods provide?

Save Soil Pavilion

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Strengthening NDCs for Soil Health - learning from practical experience

Strengthening NDCs for Soil Health - learning from practical experience

The session will:

  • Showcase examples of successful implementation of actions for soil health

  • Learn about concrete measures to strengthen soil health in NDCS and LDN

  • Present opportunities from policy analyses for integrating soil health into NDCs

  • Bring together actors from government, research private sector, and development to scale healthy soil practices; and

  • Garner support to implement robust, simple, yet accurate soil health monitoring.

Land & Drought Resilience Pavilion

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Easing Carbon Market Access for Farmers

Easing Carbon Market Access for Farmers

It’s not a secret that accessing carbon markets is challenging for many farmers. The existing paradigm requires highly skilled individuals to support developing, registering, validating, and auditing a project. What is the true cost for farmers in engaging in these services, how sustainable are they, and what could alternatives be? Join us for this insightful session to discover the answers.

Save Soil Pavilion

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Evidence Generation to Inform Policy and Practice for Scaling Soil Health for Resilient Food Systems

Evidence Generation to Inform Policy and Practice for Scaling Soil Health for Resilient Food Systems

Soil, often overlooked, is a strategic tool to improve climate resilience, food security, carbon capture and storage, and a highly biodiverse asset for all who walk upon it. Improving its health is of paramount importance. Its role as a fundamental natural resource cannot be overstated. But how do we activate soil as a strategic tool to deliver on its potential? What policies, financial mechanisms and soil data could activate the multiple benefits that soil could yield?

Organized by: Yara International

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The adaptation imperative: Addressing the needs of smallholder producers

The adaptation imperative: Addressing the needs of smallholder producers

This event will enhance the understanding of how sustainable agri-food and livestock systems can help mitigate the impacts of land degradation, enhance biodiversity, and play an important role in food systems transformation. The session will bring together farmer representatives, leaders of global initiatives and policymakers to share their visions and actions to galvanise increased support for investing in sustainable and healthy smallholder producers.

Food Systems Pavilion

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Common Ground: Soil Health Action for Nature, People, and Climate

Common Ground: Soil Health Action for Nature, People, and Climate

Healthy soil is the foundation of our food systems and provides several vital ecosystem services, from carbon sequestration to improving food and nutrition security. Efforts to combat desertification, to move from scarcity to prosperity, will need to consider how to scale soil health, globally. With over one-third of the Earth’s surface degraded and over 3.2 billion people negatively affected by degradation, continuing business as usual is no longer an option. The urgent need to transform our food systems has never been more critical. Now is the time for multi-stakeholder action to build an enabling environment at multiple levels for supporting, financing, scaling and monitoring healthy soil ecosystems.

This session aims to spotlight the pivotal role of soil health in reshaping agricultural practices, ensuring food security, and combating climate change.

Organized by: CA4SH

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Activating and Enabling Soil as a Strategic Tool

Activating and Enabling Soil as a Strategic Tool

Soil, often overlooked, is a strategic tool to improve climate resilience, food security, carbon capture and storage, and a highly biodiverse asset for all who walk upon it. Improving its health is of paramount importance. Its role as a fundamental natural resource cannot be overstated. But how do we activate soil as a strategic tool to deliver on its potential? What policies, financial mechanisms and soil data could activate the multiple benefits that soil could yield?

Organized by: Yara International

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Investing in Sustainable Soil Management

Investing in Sustainable Soil Management

Experts discuss financial instruments that are present for farmers to access carbon finance. Is transitioning to sustainable soil management practices essential for our survival? Yes. Unfortunately, farmers are not being sufficiently incentivised to make this transition. With inputs from leading experts in the private sector, this session will explore what it will take for different forms of finance to become available to farmers and what investors need to be enthusiastic about getting involved.

Save Soil Pavilion

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Crafting Policies: Easing Farmers’ Access to Carbon Finance

Crafting Policies: Easing Farmers’ Access to Carbon Finance

From Rio to Kyoto to Paris - COP has strived to craft both a voluntary and mandatory carbon marketplace. However, policies still need to evolve, and challenges remain in facilitating farmers’ access to carbon finance. In this unique event, we will explore the steps taken at the policy level to date, and how carbon finance can become a mainstream source of income for farmers practising carbon-negative agriculture.

Save Soil Pavilion

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Soil, Our Very Body

Soil, Our Very Body

How much does soil health impact human health? Studies have shown that plant nutrition is highly dependent on soil health. When 80% of food consumed by human beings originates from soils, how much we nourish the life beneath our feet may have a major role to play in our own wellbeing. On World Soil Day 2024, join leading experts from various aspects of food production to explore this intersection and the importance of organic matter in ensuring healthy, living soil.

Save Soil Pavilion

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