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Multi-stakeholder partnerships to favour the development of sustainable production models.





Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas Pavilion



To address the need for multi-stakeholder partnerships to favour the development of sustainable production models in Latin America.



This event, supported by the Confederation of Associations for Sustainable Agriculture - CAAPAS, composed of farmers’ associations from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Mexico and currently under the Argentinian presidency, will address the sustainable production systems mostly adopted in the region which have shown its effectiveness in generating sustainable solutions based on science, with a lower environmental impact and economic benefits for farmers. In this sense, this panel will present different projects and solutions developed in real production scenarios and led by farmers, along with science, AG companies, and institutions; as well as the strategic role played by IGOs and the public sector to scale these initiatives at a regional level and enhance a model of agriculture ally in the fight against climate change.



Moderator: Ms. Mailen Saluzzio,International Program Manager of the Argentine No Till Farmers Association(AAPRESID).


  • Mr. Marcelo Torres, President ofCAAPAS and AAPRESID.

  • Ms. Natasha Santos, Head of GlobalStakeholders Affairs & Strategic Partnerships of Bayer

  • Ms. Corina Lehmann, Director of Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Argentine Republic.

  • Mr. Francisco Mello, Head of the Center for Knowledge Management and Horizontal Cooperation of the IICA

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