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Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate

Soil4Climate announced that cofounder Seth Itzkan will be speaking on the positive role for grazing that is regenerative at two recently added sessions in the Blue Zone at the United Nations climate conference, COP28, in Dubai. These sessions are titled Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate. They will be December 9 and 10, 3pm to 4pm, GST. Full details are below.

The sessions will explore the science and practices of grazing that is regenerative and discuss why the proper integration of ruminants into rural landscapes is essential to restore depleted soil, replenish water tables, and help reverse global warming - not just mitigate it - while enhancing food security for pastoral populations.  

Mr. Itzkan will elucidate the distinction between deleterious and regenerative forms of animal agriculture and will argue that instead of investing billions of dollars into technology intensive meat substitutes, we should be encouraging regenerative forms of agriculture and animal husbandry, such as no-till, organic cropping, and Holistic Planned Grazing.

Peer-reviewed studies on grazing that is regenerative are showing carbon drawdown rates of 2 to 3.5 tons of carbon per hectare per year. The drawdown potential for North American pasture lands is 790 million metric tons of carbon per year.

Featured publications on the soil and climate benefits of grazing that is regenerative are maintained on the Soil4Climate website, here.

Session Information:

Ruminants to the Rescue: Regenerative Grazing for Food, Water, Soil, and Climate

Seth J. Itzkan, Soil4Climate Inc.

3 PM – 4 PM GST, Dec 9 & 10, Meeting Room 20, Building 8, Zone B2, Blue Zone, COP28, Dubai


Soil4Climate Blog


Soil4Climate fundraises for regenerative grazing and agroforestry projects among small producers in East Africa and in the last few years has focused on drought relief. Your support is greatly appreciated.

December 9

Conscious Livestock Rearing and Soil Health

December 10

Enabling Technologies: Measuring Soil Carbon