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Creating climate resilient land- and sea-scapes across borders

Full title:

Creating climate resilient land- and sea-scapes across borders: How transboundary land- and sea-scape-based initiatives address climate change and biodiversity loss to deliver co-benefits for nature, people and climate



Nature Pavilion, Blue Zone, Expo City, Dubai, UAE



  • International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

  • World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

  • International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

  • Union of Nature Foundation (UoN)



This side event will showcase initiatives that are using nature-based solutions to address the climate and biodiversity crises in holistic ways that deliver multiple co-benefits benefits for nature, climate and people across mitigation, adaptation and addressing loss and damage.

The event will highlight the lessons learn from several large scale, multi-national initiatives that are working to create climate-resilient land- and sea-scapes and how those initiatives are sequestering carbon, increasing biodiversity, improving ecosystem services delivery, and building sustainable nature-positive economies.

Initiatives to be showcased include: Regreening Africa (ICRAF); Great Blue Wall (IUCN); Room to Roam (IFAW); Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA); Earth Today (UoN).

The event will explore some of the challenges and opportunities that exist for mobilising landscape-based initiatives at scale, including the challenge of raising finance that is appropriate and of sufficient scale to the needs. The Union of Nature will present their new financing platform, Earth Today, and how it is supporting members of the Yawanawa tribe to protect and restore their traditional lands in the heart of the Amazon.



  • Simon Addison, IFAW

  • Leigh Ann Winowiecki, ICRAF: Regreening Africa

  • Thomas Sberna, IUCN: Great Blue Wall

  • HE Paula Coelho, Angola: Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA)

  • Jimmiel Mandima, IFAW: Room to Roam

  • Laura Yawanawa, Union of Nature Foundation: Mobilising finance to preserve land, protect forests, and support livelihood of Indigenous communities

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