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CA4SH Finance Webinar: Investing in soil health from the ground up
From afar, scaling soil health by switching from traditional monocrop agricultural systems to regenerative systems may seem as easy as planting the right plants in the right spot. However transitioning to new systems usually sees farmers’ yields decrease before they increase, which can be a limiting factor for farmers who don’t have a financial cushion to fall back on. Support is needed to help them bridge the gap.
CA4SH is a multi-stakeholder partnership of member states, the private sector, research institutions, civil society, farmer organizations, multilateral organizations, NGOs, and more. Drawing on this wealth of knowledge, we organized the second installation of our 2024 Webinar Series: The road ahead for soil health action to explore different mechanisms to invest in soil health, making sure these investments reach smallholder farmers.
2023 In Review: CA4SH Launches its Inaugural Annual Report
For the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH), 2023 was marked by continual learning and exponential growth, and we are celebrating by launching the inaugural Annual Report. Highlights include a reflection on our roots and growing the Coalition (which now has over 170 multistakeholder members and counting!), zooming in on key engagements, advocating for soil health in the climate agenda, achievements, lessons learned, and a look at what’s to come.
CA4SH Policy Webinar: Creating an Enabling Environment for Soil Health Post-COP28
CA4SH is a multi stakeholder partnership of member states, the private sector, research institutions, civil society, farmer organizations, multilateral organizations, NGOs, and more. Drawing on this wealth of knowledge, we organized the first installation of our 2024 Webinar Series: The road ahead for soil health action.
Bonn Policy Dialogue Luncheon: Building a Road Map for Soil Health in the Climate Change Agenda
On 15 June, the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) together with the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS), and the International “4 per 1000” Initiative, supported by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), hosted a policy dialogue luncheon at the culmination of the 58th session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SBs) in Bonn, Germany.
CA4SH at the AIM for Climate Summit: Scaling healthy soil practices globally through innovative partnerships, financing and policy
10 MAY 2023: The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) hosted a Breakout Session at the AIM for Climate Summit in Washington, DC, USA. Global leaders from policy, industry, producer organisations, civil society groups, and scientists and researchers came together for the three-day Summit to drive their work on climate-smart agriculture and innovations in food systems.
CA4SH joins expert panel at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
During an expert panel at the 2023 Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA), the WFP brought together speakers representing research institutions, UN agencies, and non-governmental organizations to discuss solutions for creating crisis-proof and climate-friendly food systems with a focus on sustainable land use and the role of soils.
CA4SH partners kick off 2023 with a jam-packed meeting
The CA4SH January Partner Meeting provided updates from across the Coalition, and an opportunity for brainstorming next steps in advanving the global soil health agenda.
The new UN Food Systems Coordination Hub connects coalitions towards common goals
The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) was born from the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) alongside several other thematic coalitions, now connected through the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub. Learn more about what the Hub does and how scaling soil health is part of the story.
2022: This Year in Soil
2022 was a big year for soil! We’ve collected some of the highlights from CA4SH, soil health research and global soil movement into one convenient place.
Soil Health Resolution High-Level Plenary at UNFCCC COP27: CA4SH partners gather to mobilise soil advocates across sectors
Learn more about the BOOST Day at the Food Systems Pavilion.
The CA4SH September Partners Meeting laid the groundwork for advocacy at upcoming COPs
On September 13th, the Coalition of Action for Soil Health (CA4SH) brought together partners from the public sector, research institutions and more to exchange ideas and provide updates on their efforts to scale up soil health globally.
CA4SH and cross-sectoral co-conveners presented at the World Water Week
The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) joined co-conveners at the Stockholm International Water Institute World Water Week (SIWI WWW), held on September 1st, 2022.
CA4SH is co-hosting the Food Systems Pavilion at the UNFCCC COP27
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) announced that the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) will hold its first-ever Food Systems Pavilion, and will be co-hosted by CA4SH.
The Soil Health Resolution of Soil Champions at COP27: A call to action for soil health
CA4SH is leveraging a global call to action at the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in the form of the Soil Health Resolution of Soil Champions.
What is #SaveSoil?
#SaveSoil is trending and the movement is full of momentum. But what is it, how did it start and why are so many people suddenly mobilized towards global soil health?
Stay connected with CA4SH through our new website, newsletter and social media!
Explore the new CA4SH website, newsletter and social media!
CA4SH partners come together for a spring update
CA4SH partners come together for a May partners’ meeting!
UNCCD FOOD DAY: Seeds of Change for a Nature-Positive Future
CA4SH participates in the first-ever UNCCD Food Day!