Video Blog | Getting your hands dirty! Workshop on soil management by UNEP and ICRAF 🌱

To mark 2024 World Environment Day, the Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) brought their lab to the UN complex in Nairobi (UNON) to teach the #generationrestoration the basics of soil management and opportunities for restoration.

The workshop on “The pathway to healthy soil management” hosted 40 students from Aga Khan Academy, Lenana School and Kenya High School. Students got their hands dirty learning about different types of soils, causes of land degradation, best practices and nature-based solutions to soil management.


#UNited4Land: Six soil stewards share their approaches for multi-stakeholder action


Newly launched Restore4More project seeks to contribute knowledge to guide and scale rangeland restoration in East Africa