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Hanna North Hanna North

Eleven Facts about Soil Carbon with Professor Pete Smith

This is the first in our series of interviews with the LUNZ Soil Health and Carbon Dynamics TAG community, in which we explore the key themes we’ll be working on over the next 40 months.

In this instalment, TAG co-leads Ellen Fay (Sustainable Soils Alliance) and Professor Pete Smith (University of Aberdeen) dig into some of the challenges around soil carbon, including how it relates to soil health, how it is measured, where its greatest opportunities lie and its role in land use change and net zero.

The full interview can be viewed on the LUNZ YouTube channel here, or read on for a summary of the key takeaways.

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Hanna North Hanna North

Highlights from the CA4SH February 2024 Partners Meeting

28 February 2024: CA4SH partners, members, allies and more met for the first quarterly partner meeting of the Coalition for the year. Topics included highlights from our 2023 engagement, upcoming initiatives, partner presentations, and group brainstorming on the strategic direction of CA4SH.

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