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Building a network of rangeland health monitoring sites in East Africa
The projects Restore4More (led by SLU and funded by Formas) and ‘Restoration of Rangeland Carbon Sinks for Increased Community Resilience and Agricultural Outcomes’ (led by ICRAF) have partnered up to build a network of rangeland health monitoring sites in East Africa. The goal is to foster data-driven decision making around rangeland restoration and sustainable management in the region.
CA4SH, CIFOR-ICRAF, Varda & Norad partner on a pilot initiative to advance soil knowledge exchange
On 14 January 2025, the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) hosted a reflection webinar for a recent pilot initiative from CIFOR-ICRAF, Varda, and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Over 125 participants attended to hear insights on the soil data ecosystem in Kenya and Tanzania and contribute their questions and perspectives on the pilot results and the future of soil health data on the African continent.