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OP-ED | Roots of Resilience: Soil Health and Climate Change?

Soil health is a fundamental component of agricultural sustainability and environmental stewardship. In this article, CA4SH partner Samuel Bamidele explores how enhancing soil health can bolster resilience against the adverse effects of climate change and outlines related legislation from the United States.

Samuel holds a Master of Science from the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at the University of Delaware. Hailing from Ibadan, Nigeria, Samuel's academic trajectory has been characterized by a profound dedication to soil science and agriculture.

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Hanna North Hanna North

Ramat: Co-created Community Solutions for the Mt Marsabit landscape

In December, Nature and People as One (NaPO) held a workshop in Karare, an area bordering the Mt Marsabit National Reserve, that brought together 59 community voices representing 39 villages from Parkishon, Kamboe, Loglogo and Karare (important rangelands surrounding the Mt Marsabit Forest). The goal was to assess progress with implementing the Ramat model, celebrate its successes, and assess the challenges.

Story and photos by Adrian Leitoro, Co-Founder of NaPO

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Hanna North Hanna North

Biochar offers an accelerated pathway to global decarbonization, says new research 

“The first-of-its-kind data highlights biochar’s potential to scale carbon removals as a win-win solution for people and the planet.

  • Biochar can potentially remove up to 6% of global emissions annually – the approximate equivalent of 3 billion tonnes of CO2 or the total emissions of 803 coal-fired power plants in one year.

  • Biochar also has a minimum removal potential of 10% in over 25 countries, concentrated in Africa, South America, and Eastern Europe, and can potentially reduce carbon emissions by over 30% in Eswatini and more than 20% in Malawi, Argentina, and Ghana.

  • The greatest carbon dioxide removal (CDR) potential – rests with the world’s biggest emitters, including China, the United States, Brazil, and India, who can chart a pathway for sustainable emissions reductions through biochar.”

Read the full article from the International Biochar Initiative

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Hanna North Hanna North

Soil Health Vital for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

“The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the apex continental technical institution responsible for coordinating and advocating for agricultural research and development initiatives, shared its experiences during a side event at the Africa Union Pavilion during the ongoing Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. The event focused on the urgent need to accelerate action in promoting soil health as a crucial strategy for addressing climate change adaptation and mitigation.”

Read the full story by Oluwole Fatunbi (FARA)

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Hanna North Hanna North

Embracing sustainable energy and water use in agriculture

“One project that has been successful in integrating sustainable solutions for energy and water use in agriculture is the Laikipia Isiolo Samburu Transforming the Environment Through Nexus (LISTEN) project in Kenya. The project, implemented by SNV, AGRA and FCDC with funding from EKN, uses the nexus approach to build the knowledge of smallholder farming communities to adopt climate-smart techniques and practices…”

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