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CA4SH Policy Webinar: Creating an Enabling Environment for Soil Health Post-COP28
CA4SH is a multi stakeholder partnership of member states, the private sector, research institutions, civil society, farmer organizations, multilateral organizations, NGOs, and more. Drawing on this wealth of knowledge, we organized the first installation of our 2024 Webinar Series: The road ahead for soil health action.
IICA and Partners from the Private Sector, Academia and Civil Society Organizations Join Forces to Promote Carbon Financing for Sustainable Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean
“San José, 13 December 2023 (IICA) The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), the Voluntary Carbon Market Integrity Initiative (VCMI), the Argentine Association of No-till Farmers (AAPRESID), the Group of Producing Countries from the Southern Cone (GPS), the Department of Forestry at Michigan State University (MSU), Gold Standard, Rabobank's ACORN and Climate Focus will join forces in 2024 to support the access of the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean to financing of voluntary and compliance carbon markets.”
Read the full story from IICA
Urging Enhanced Integration of Soil Health in NDCs at COP28
December 9th, COP28 UAE - In an event held at the Land & Drought Resilience Pavilion, the Coalition of Action 4 soil Health, the WWF, CIFOR-ICRAF and AICCRA convened a discourse on the imperative need to reinforce Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by emphasizing soil health and nature-based solutions. The event, titled “Strengthening NDCs for Soil Health - learning from practical experience”, brought together a multitude of stakeholders including government representatives, scientists, farmers, and development practitioners to deliberate on critical action for soil health to shape the global climate agenda.