June Updates from the CA4SH SteerCo and Partners Meetings

We are already halfway through 2024, which for the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (CA4SH) is the year of implementation!

This month, the CA4SH SteerCo met for their third meeting since it’s inception, and the CA4SH Secretariat hosted the second Quarterly Partners Meeting of 2024. With the alignment of the six-month mark of the year, and these two important meetings for strategizing, collaborating, and sharing experiences, this is a great opportunity to reflect on where and how to place our energy for the rest of the year.

The CA4SH Secretariat shared several updates from the Coalition in 2024:

Partner Updates

In addition to updates from the CA4SH Secretariat, we always the opportunity to hear from our members during the quarterly partners meetings. Partners the World Bioprotection Forum and KYETE BIINGI TAI NYEME were invited to introduce themselves and their organizations to the Coalition.

We also heard from the new Action On Food Hub - a collaboration between the Food Systems Partnership, the Food for Climate Pavilion, and the Future Economy Forum - who are convening a shared space for food systems actors at UNFCCC COP29. The Hub is accepting expressions of interest until 5 July and applications until early August.

Learn more by viewing their presentation slides below:

Upcoming Opportunities

The two meetings provided a platform for feedback from the SteerCo and CA4SH partners on upcoming activities and projects, which we have summarized below alongside opportunities to engage:

  • CA4SH is all over the map with events and more, so to help keep track of which partners are where, we prepared this form! Please indicate on the form if you are looking to collaborate at these events

  • The UN CBD, FCCC, and CCD COPs are all this year - please reach out to the CA4SH Secretariat to engage. Our plans for the COPs are being solidified, so stay tuned for details!

  • We are preparing a joint letter to send to Member States on the importance of the Soil Health Resolution. Please keep an eye on the newsletter and make sure you are subscribed for updates on how to support this!

  • The CA4SH Secretariat and SteerCo are looking into avenues to stimulate financing for the Coalition, action on the ground with our partners, and projects. Please reach out to help strategize! We are planning to hold a donors’ event later this year.

  • The Engagement & Outreach Working Group is undertaking an initiative for Soil+ SDGs, where we will create a tool for stakeholders to access information about soil health solutions that can help achieve the SDGs. Anyone can engage with this! Either by sending in resources to Soil+ SDGs, or by contacting our comms officer.

The Coalition is always growing! This is just the tip of the iceberg of things we have going on - just at the Secretariat! There’s even more happening amongst our partners. Please get in touch any time, and we will facilitate engagement. For interested organizations, details on how to sign up can be found on our Membership page.


CA4SH at Bonn Climate Change Conference 2024


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