Updates & Action | CA4SH’s 1st Quarterly Partner Meeting and 1st SteerCo Meeting of 2025

On 19 February 2025, more than 70 partners from across the CA4SH network attended the first partner meeting of 2025 to share progress made and the next steps for scaling global soil health. The CA4SH Steering Committee also convened this month to discuss the action areas identified in the partner meeting and strategized the way forward for the Coalition.

The following update provides key takeaways from the two meetings and outlines action points that partners can take to engage with the Coalition and scale soil health globally.


Coalition Updates

A goal of the CA4SH Secretariat for the quarterly partner meetings is to gather feedback on the Coalition’s focal areas. As this was the first meeting of 2025, we asked partners to share their thoughts for this year.

Some recent news from CA4SH was also shared in the meeting, including the following:

  • The 2024 CA4SH Annual Report is coming soon! Download the 2023 report here

  • The Soil Initiative for Africa is a long-term framework developed to optimize fertilizer use and promote soil health - access the framework document here. CA4SH is engaging in this process and recently co-published three strategic documents for enhancing soil health in the continental agenda.

  • Strategy update: CA4SH has a new conceptual framework - please share your feedback! 

  • The #Youth4Soil initiative is gaining recognition. Any youth soil health advocate can join the Youth Working group, young professionals can sign up to be mentored, and experienced members can become mentors. Sign up here!

  • The #Youth4Soil working group hosted an online showcase of youth projects on 6 March! Keep an eye on the CA4SH blog for the full story and webinar recording - coming soon!

  • CA4SH and the Allure of Soil Campaign co-hosted a webinar on 20 February titled From Dust to Prosperity: Soil’s Role in Shaping Africa’s Future. Read the blog and watch the recording.


Partner Updates

CA4SH Members are invited to share updates from their organizations during the quarterly partner meetings. Here are some of the updates and points of action shared by partners!

World Economic Forum’s Global Futures Council on Soils

  • This 2-year initiative is being co-chaired by CA4SH partners who are seeking to leverage existing initiatives (like CA4SH!) and harness a multi-stakeholder, multidisciplinary network with the aim of connecting soil health with climate, water, biodiversity, and human health.

Applied Microbiology International (AMI)

  • AMI recently published an open-access paper calling on the UK government to institute a nationwide microbiome approach to soil.

  • AMI is meeting with interested parties throughout February and solidifying next steps, including expanding the initiative internationally. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the CA4SH Secretariat to connect with this initiative!

Society for the Environment (SocEnv)

British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)

  • BSSS has been nominated for election to the civil society panel for Western Europe for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Learn more about the nomination here.

International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS)

  • The International Decade of Soil ended in 2024, so the IUSS is calling on CA4SH members to think about the next decade. CA4SH members are encouraged to share updates to amplify visibility through IUSS. Visit the IUSS website, or reach out to the CA4SH team to connect.

Global Affairs Canada

  • Canada assumed the G7 presidency on January 1, 2025, and is hosting the G7 Leaders’ Summit from June 15 to 17. CA4SH partners who have data on the cost-effectiveness of soil health interventions that can inform G7 discussions are encouraged to contact the CA4SH Secretariat! These data will help drive an emphasis on data-driven decision-making and investment in soil health solutions.



General Action Points for Partners


Reach out to the CA4SH Team to engage in any of the abovementioned activities!

Hanna Linden, Communication Lead, communications@coalitionforsoilhealth.org

Daniela Solis, Coordination Lead, coordination@coalitionforsoilhealth.org


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