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UNCBD Side Event: Agriculture businesses and farmers mobilised to contribute to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

The International Union for Conservation of Nature and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development are co-organising a side event at the UNCBD COP 15 in Montreal, Canada.

The event is called:

Agriculture businesses and farmers mobilised to contribute to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

The session will be held on Business Day at the Nature Positive Pavilion.

The aim of this session is to explore the success factors needed to accelerate business action for an inclusive and farmer-centric transformation of agricultural value chains. The session will include examples from business representatives, farmers and other key value chain actors on shifting from conventional to sustainable farming systems and practices that contribute to reversing nature loss and restoring biodiversity toward the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Speakers will:

  1. share practical examples of land-based and nature-based solutions developed by farmers and companies to contribute to reversing nature loss;

  2. highlight the role of key support actors in agricultural value chains, including governments and financial institutions, for successful implementation; and

  3. share lessons on success factors to ensure farmer centricity and multistakeholder collaboration.

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