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Food systems in crises – solutions for more resilience

Join CA4SH’s Dr Rattan Lal and Dr Leigh Winowiecki in a conversation about food crises and ways forward for a food-secure future, organised by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany and moderated by the UN World Food Programme.


The world is facing the largest food crisis in modern history. Millions are at risk of worsening hunger unless action is taken now. But humanitarian aid is not enough. We need to respond together and at scale to the drivers of this crisis: conflict, climate shocks, and the threat of a global recession. WFP in 2022 has again scaled up its response to a record level, aiming to reach 153 million people worldwide. With spiraling needs worldwide, we need to think beyond humanitarian action and invest in long-term change. The current crisis has exposed all the weak spots in our food systems. Tackling these systemic challenges is key to breaking the cycle of crises the world is facing today.

And it is possible: solutions exist and expertise is available. This panel will showcase comprehensive approaches that address food systems challenges in a holistic manner. Food insecurity, climate change, rising prices, and soil erosion are interlinked problems and finding solutions must not happen in silos. We want to bring experiences from practitioners together and give the people affected a voice. Ultimately, resilient food systems require the inclusion of all – women, youth, minorities.

We will discuss solutions to create crisis-proof and climate-friendly food systems with a focus on sustainable land use and the role of soils. The discussion will zoom in on inclusive, non-discriminatory and localized solutions that highlight the crucial role of women within food systems: Without their equal access to land, we will not be able to reach Zero Hunger by 2030.

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